We can smell the dusty air that comes with harmattan, signaling the start of the holidays. It is time for feasts, carols and that familiar tingly feeling of wanting to give back. But with so much going on, it can be hard to know where to start. Fear not, we’ve got you covered with 5 easy peasy ways to spread the Christmas cheer.
Share Love. Share Food
If there’s one thing we Nigerians don’t joke with, it’s food! The holiday is a good time to channel your inner chef and whip up some delicious dishes to share with your community. Make fluffy wraps of poundo with our Ayoola Poundo Yam, pair it with any soup and bless someone’s heart and taste buds. Cook up some spicy jollof rice, grab packs of Ayoola Beans Flour and make some moi moi to go with that jollof. Whether it’s rice, puff-puff, or moi moi, good food always has a way of warming hearts. Take it to your neighbors, colleagues, or even the less privileged around your area.
You can take it a step further by hosting a food drive, donating clothes, or organizing a day out for kids in need. It could be as simple as taking snacks and drinks to a local orphanage. You’ll still have fun with your squad, and you’ll collectively make people’s day.
Support Local Businesses
Sometimes giving back is by doing the small things that can have a big impact. Forget the imported stuff this year. Let’s show some love to our local artisans, farmers, and small businesses. Buy your Christmas decorations from the market, your presents from local craftspeople, and your groceries from the next-door shops and supermarkets. Buy made in Nigeria products to grow Nigeria. By doing this, you’ll be supporting your community, creating more room for growth and giving back to your country and its people.
Organize a Neighborhood Clean-Up
Okay, this might not sound glamorous, but it’s definitely rewarding! Rope in your friends, family, or neighbors and clean up your local area. Sweep the streets, pick up trash, and maybe even repaint a community space. Not only will you leave the area looking great, but you’ll also foster a sense of togetherness.
Random Acts of Kindness
Like we mentioned above, the things that sometimes make the most impact are random and small. Pay for someone’s bus fare, buy recharge cards for random strangers, or even share a warm smile and a kind word. Things can be tough, and everyone’s dealing with something. Your small act could make someone’s day better and nothing says giving back like putting a smile on someone’s face. Try giving a little extra to service providers like fuel attendants, hawkers, and security guards. They’ll appreciate it more than you think.
Volunteer Your Time
.A whiz with computers? Volunteer at a community center to help seniors and kids learn how to use technology. Good with instruments? Volunteer to play at local churches or teach them how to play for free. Donate your time and money to a cause you are passionate about. There are countless organizations that could benefit from your unique skills.
Giving back doesn’t have to be expensive or complicated. The little things matter just as much as the big ones. So as you plan your December groove, don’t forget to spread a little love and kindness along the way. After all, isn’t that what the holiday spirit is all about?
Have a wonderful holiday!